LifeCourse Library

LifeCourse Framework

Our Core Belief: All people have the right to live, love, work, play, and pursue their own life aspirations.

Learn how the CtLC framework can help you articulate what you want and need.

The Charting the LifeCourse framework was created to help individuals and families of all abilities and all ages develop a vision for a good life, think about what they need to know and do, identify how to find or develop supports, and discover what it takes to live the lives they want to live. The framework is the keystone for supporting a community of learning that champions transformational change through knowledge exchange, capacity building, and collaborative engagement.

To find out more about the history of LifeCourse, click here.

What is Charting the LifeCourse?

Charting the LifeCourse IS:

  • About having different conversations
  • A different way of thinking
  • Encouraging high expectations
  • Having life experiences to move the trajectory in the desired direction
  • Integrating multiple types of support

Charting the LifeCourse IS NOT:

  • Only for professionals to use
  • Just about the “tools”
  • A “program”
  • Designed for just one specific age group
  • Solely for people with disabilities and their families

The LifeCourse Key Principles


Focusing On All People

All people, regardless of age, ability, or family role, are considered in our vision, values, policies, and practices for supporting individuals and families. All families have choices and access to the supports they need.


Recognizing the Person Within the Context of Their Family

People exist and have reciprocal roles within a family system, defined by that individual. Roles adjust as the individual members of the family system change and age. The entire family, individually and as a whole, needs support to ensure they all are able to successfully live their good life.


Trajectory of Life Experiences Across the Lifespan

Individuals and families can focus on a specific life stage, with an awareness of how prior, current, and future life stages impact and influence their trajectory. It is important to have a vision for a good, quality life and have opportunities, experiences, and support to move the life trajectory in a positive direction.


Achieving Life Outcomes

Individuals and families plan for the present and future life outcomes that take into account all facets of life and have opportunities for life experiences that build self-determination, social capital, economic sufficiency, and community inclusion.


Holistic Focus Across Life Domains

People lead whole lives made up of specific, connected, and integrated life domains that are important to a good quality of life. Life domains are the different aspects and experiences of life that we all consider as we age and grow.

These include:
• Daily Life & Employment
• Community Living
• Safety & Security
• Healthy Living
• Social & Spirituality
• Advocacy and Engagement


Supporting the Three Buckets of Need

The three strategies for supporting individuals and their families can be organized into three categories (or buckets):

Discovery and Navigation: having the information and tools you need to navigate life

Connecting and Networking: making connections with peers and resources to help you navigate

Goods and Services: the day-to-day tangible items you buy or use from public and private organizations in your community


Integrated Services and Supports Across the LifeCourse

Individuals and families access an array of integrated supports to achieve their envisioned good life. These include those that are publicly or privately funded and based upon eligibility; community supports that are available to anyone; relationship-based supports; technology; and the personal strengths and assets of the individual and their family.


Transformational Policy and Systems Change

Individuals and families are truly involved in policy making so that they influence planning, policy, implementation, research, and revision of the practices that affect them. Every program, organization, system, and policy-maker must think about a person within the context of family and community.

Introduction to the LifeCourse Framework

Watch Dr. Sheli Reynolds share how her experience growing up with a brother with a disability impacted and informed the development of the LifeCourse framework and tools. In this 18-minute video you will also learn about each of the principles and why they are important to supporting your “good life.”

Quick Reference Tools for the Framework

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Join our community of learning and exchange knowledge, build capacity, and engage collaboratively.