LifeCourse Learning

Ambassador Series

The Ambassador series is an opportunity to receive a comprehensive overview of each of the foundational principles of the Charting the LifeCourse Framework and its accompanying decision-making and planning tools.

What is the Ambassador Series?

Becoming an Ambassador connects you to the LifeCourse Nexus Network.Individuals can become an Ambassador by completing a series for Open Enrollment or by completing a series hosted by their organization. Click here to register for an upcoming CtLC Ambassador Series Event.

All Charting the LifeCourseAmbassador series are designed to include training, professional development, and implementation coaching to:

  • Provide foundational understanding of the key principles of the framework
  • Introduce the application of the principles for a specific focus area and/or practice
  • Share examples of how CtLCis being used around the country

By completing the Charting the LifeCourse Ambassadors series, participants will:

  • Enhance and broaden your understanding of each of the principles of the CtLC Framework
  • Build your confidence and capacity to champion the CtLC Framework with a variety of stakeholders and audiences.
  • Identify and practice using the CtLC framework and tools specific to the functions of your role/position
  • Build confidence and competence to integrate the CtLC framework into the practices/functions of your role on an ongoing basis
  • Support others in similar roles/positions in using the CtLC framework and tools

Organizations who choose to host a CtLC Ambassador Series will also have the opportunity to:

  • Enhance existing or develop new practices, processes, or policies integrating the CtLC framework and methodology
  • Identify strategic implementation strategies to support all team members to the CtLC framework and its integration throughout the project, program, or organization as a whole
  • Plan for scaling and sustaining the use of CtLC to enhance person-and family-centered policies, practices, and procedures

The Ambassador series combines self-paced learning and regular coaching support through a virtual learning experience. Each series includes:

  • A “Kick Off” Coaching Call
  • Five (5) online videos, learning activities, and interactive coaching calls
    • Learn about the principle by watching an online video
    • Practice applying the principle and using the related tools by downloading, completing, and submitting the Learning Activity
    • Share your learning through dialogue and feedback from coaches and peers during the Coaching Call
  • A Wrap Up, Reflections, and Next Steps Coaching Call

There are specific types of Ambassador series that are tailored for a particular purpose and target audience. The type of series that is chosen by an individual or an organization will determine how the coaching calls are structured in order to ensure both capacity building and implementation support that is responsive to the role of the learners and goals for the series.

Upcoming Ambassador Series Events


Person-Centered Planning

Series Focus:
This series builds capacity and confidence to integrate Charting the LifeCourse principles and tools into existing practices for planning with individuals and their families throughout all life stages and considering all life domains.

Anyone planning formally or informally with people and families. Examples include Support Coordinators, Case Managers, person centered plan facilitators.

Two Sessions to Choose From:

Kick-Off: April 14, 2021
Calls will occur on Wednesdays starting 04/14/2021 – 07/07/2021
11:00am-12:30pm CST
Click here to register

Kick-Off: April 21, 2021
Calls will occur on Wednesdays starting 04/21/2021 – 07/14/2021
10:00am-11:30am CST


Front Door to Supports/NWD

Series Focus:
This series builds the capacity and confidence of “front door” staff to explore and implement ways to use CtLC to enhance policies, practices, and procedures related to supporting people in achieving their good life and navigating services and supports.

Options counselors, intake specialists, navigators, I&R, CIL’s, AAA, ADRC

Kick-Off: April 27, 2021
Calls will occur on Tuesdays starting 04/27/2021 – 07/21/2021
2:00pm-3:30pm CST


Direct Service Provider

Series Focus:
This series builds capacity and confidence of staff within service provider organizations to explore and implement ways to use CtLC to enhance policies, practices, and procedures related to supporting people in achieving their good life.

Staff and leadership of direct service provider organizations, such as QIDP, program leads, managers.

Kick-Off: April 28, 2021
Calls will occur on Wednesdays starting 04/28/2021 – 07/14/2021
8:00am-9:30am CST


Person-Centered Planning

Series Focus:
This series builds capacity and confidence to integrate Charting the LifeCourse principles and tools into existing practices for planning with individuals and their families throughout all life stages and considering all life domains.

Anyone planning formally or informally with people and families. Examples include Support Coordinators, Case Managers, person centered plan facilitators.

Two Sessions to Choose From:

Kick-Off: June 15, 2021
Calls will occur on Tuesdays starting 06/15/2021 – 08/31/2021
12:00pm-1:30pm CST
Click here to register

Kick-Off: June 16th, 2021
Calls will occur on Wednesdays starting 06/16/2021 – 09/08/2021
1:00pm-2:30pm CST


Front Door to Supports/NWD

Series Focus:
This series builds the capacity and confidence of “front door” staff to explore and implement ways to use CtLC to enhance policies, practices, and procedures related to supporting people in achieving their good life and navigating services and supports.

Options counselors, intake specialists, navigators, I&R, CIL’s, AAA, ADRC

Kick-Off: June 23, 2021
Calls will occur on Wednesdays starting 06/23/2021 – 09/15/2021
11:00am-12:30pm CST


Direct Service Provider

Series Focus:
This series builds capacity and confidence of staff within service provider organizations to explore and implement ways to use CtLC to enhance policies, practices, and procedures related to supporting people in achieving their good life.

Staff and leadership of direct service provider organizations, such as QIDP, program leads, managers.

Kick-Off: June 16, 2021
Calls will occur on Wednesdays starting 06/16/2021 – 09/01/2021
1:00pm-2:30pm CST

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Join our community of learning and exchange knowledge, build capacity, and engage collaboratively.