Supported decision making is about helping people, regardless of age or ability, make their own decisions by using a variety of integrated supports, including other people they trust, technology, community supports, or paid supports. The supports might help a person understand issues/choices, ask questions, receive explanations in a way that works for them, communicate their own decisions to others, or build their own decision-making skills. Just because someone has a certain disability or diagnosis, or is experiencing memory or other challenges related to aging or dementia, doesn’t mean they cannot express preferences or make choices and decisions, with help as needed. It’s really what we all do without even thinking about it! We ask for advice or input from family, friends, professionals, or others we trust in making all kinds of decisions in our lives.
The materials in the section are designed to help a person, family, or a professional explore areas where any person might need decision making support, plan for what it looks like and how it can happen, and seek out the needed supports.